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A Story of Your Own online writing course is for those of us waking up to ourselves – who haven’t given our feelings a voice yet. Let’s define our stories, without letting them define who we are.

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A Story of Your Own online writing course is for those of us waking up to ourselves – who haven’t given our feelings a voice yet. Let’s define our stories, without letting them define who we are.

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this course isn’t just for writers  it’s a way to use writing to articulate what you’re feeling

this is writing your own life story as a practice and you decide if these
words are just for you – or something 
you share with the world

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The Story of Your Own Course is an online course designed by K.C. Clifford to help you articulate your story in whatever form compels you. You can create something as simple as sentences or phrases about your life, or pen paragraphs, essays, songs, memoirs, or poems.

We call it a writing course, yes. But don’t let that fool you. The Story of Our Own is not exclusive to those who identify as writers, though of course you’re welcome here, too!

Some of our course members want to find their voices, embrace vulnerability, or better express deep feelings, while others wish to leave a written story legacy for their children. The course can be used as a supplement to processing with a therapist or trauma work, or simply as an extension of an existing journaling practice. 

This is a writing practice, and there is no right or wrong way to go about the work. There is only your unique way of engaging the concepts and practices.

You are welcome and invited to share your writing with the Course Community, but it is never required. You do you. No one will force or pressure you. That’s not our style around here. The course is built on the value of felt safety. Trust your gut. For some of us, this is a sacred, private practice. For others among us, the power is found in sharing, and having space held for your story is a sacred part of why you’re here. 

The course is self-paced, so you can take as much time as you need.

It consists of 8 modules, and each module includes video lessons and audio downloads. In addition, the modules come with downloadable pdf worksheets and prompts to help guide your writing practices.

As a part of The Story of Your Own Course you have access to Live Q&A calls with K.C. to answer any questions, and share our experiences with the work. A recording of the calls will be uploaded into the course so you can access it if you were unable to join live, or if you want to listen again. Course members are welcome to submit questions ahead of the call, so you can have your questions addressed even if you can’t be present on the live call.

Once you have joined the course, you will have unlimited access to the course content going forward. It’s yours. What that means for you is if your practice needs to pause because life happens- as it does- you can come back to the course when you’re ready with renewed capacity and it will be waiting for you

In addition, you will have access to any new content updates going forward. If we decide to add a module or video on a new topic to the course materials, you’ll get access to it for no additional cost.

Lastly, you will have access to a private online community exclusive to The Story of Our Own Course members. This is where the magic really happens as we gather and connect, hold and hear stories with our fellow humans- the Generous Kind.




this is giving yourself 
generous space in the world 
to stand in your story
this is learning to feel your feelings 
through writing & giving yourself 
permission to give them a voice 
beyond the expectation of others

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